Unpoetic Limericks
Kelly's attempt to place words once a month
Sensible Objects (Exhibition), Singapore Art Week recap, Reading about humankind's severance with Nature, School workshops, Thoughts about the Singapore Dream and Wealth
ART SG 2025, Honeybees & Distant Thunder, Moving, Eternal vs. Eternity
Filet crochet, respecting your material, exhibitions on paper cut, batik and repetitive practice, Harry Potter, changing your corner of the world
Material explorations during residency in Yogyakarta, Transitory Nature of Earthly Joy by Albert Yonathan Setyawan, Thoughts on writing and the art ecosystem in Singapore
LOHJINAWI Residency in Yogyakarta, Batik & Wayang Kulit Workshops, ARTJOG 2024, A.I.'s 'Intention' of Making Art, Thoughts about being an 'Artist'
Rounding up my residency, Chinese ink exhibition in Taitung, Reading about Colours and Languages, Random stint in a film production
Life in Taitung, the Bunun people, biking with the stars in Lyudao
My disdain for Meta, 82 days in Japan, discovering Toyoshima Yasuko, reading ‘The Power of Language’, my first crochet pattern